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 APK Editor Pro 

Name APPS : APK Editor Pro
Size Apps : 11.01MB
Best version Pro  
APK Editor is an application that lets you do exactly what the name says: edit any APK saved on your device.  And if you don't have the APK itself, you can extract it from any application you have installed.
 With APK Editor you can choose between two types of editing: FULL EDIT, which allows you to reconstruct files from an APK, and SIMPLE EDIT, which allows you to replace files inside an APK.  The first is much more complex and has a tedious process while the second type of editing can be done much more easily.
 No matter what type you choose, you will quickly see that it is extremely easy to edit any aspect of an APK.  You can change the background image of an application, add or remove languages, or even delete permissions.  It all depends on your skills.
 APK Editor is a complex application.  If you know how to use it, it can bring a lot of pleasure, but ...
